

IRMA Public Announcements and Stakeholder Feedback

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If you are new to IRMA, welcome!

The Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) is a voluntary verification system aiming to improve mining operations' performance. Mine sites that choose to invest in an IRMA assessment have their environmental and social performance measured by independent audit teams.

An IRMA assessment digs deep with over 400 requirements covering things like human rights, air and water quality, occupational health and safety, financial security, and community contribution and investment. Each mine site assessment consists of three parts in which auditors:

IRMA Standard Image 1

IRMA’s release of the public report initiates a cycle of continuous improvement and review at the mine.

Stakeholder input is a big part of IRMA assessments because feedback of those living close to an operation help auditors understand better how the mine site responds to area needs and concerns relating to IRMA Standard criteria.

To view current public announcements, please click on the IRMA Public Announcements button below. To submit stakeholder feedback on a mine currently undergoing an on-site IRMA audit, please click the IRMA Stakeholder Feedback button below.


IRMA Public Announcements IRMA Stakeholder Feedback


Measuring mine site performance using the IRMA Standard  

SCS Global Services recognizes achievement in responsible mining best practices. Our IRMA audit teams comprise a global network of environmental, social, and mining-sector experts that bring exceptional detail and quality to each project. Assessment inquiries and interviews with companies and community stakeholders encourage respectful, meaningful dialog leading to better ways of thinking and innovation, even after the mine assessments are complete.

SCS Global Services is an approved IRMA assessment provider.  To learn more about IRMA alignment and assessment services, click here.