Published Spring 2024

“We are, after all, the greatest problem solvers to have ever existed on Earth. If working apart, we are a force powerful enough to destabilize our planet. Surely working together, we are powerful enough to save it.”

                                              – Sir David Attenborough, Broadcaster and Documentary Maker

SCS Global Services operates for the benefit of people and the environment. This Annual Benefit Corporation Statement summarizes our work in support of this mission, through the administration of third-party certification services, development of rigorous standards, and sharing of knowledge and insights. Social and environmental responsibility are also embedded into our quality system and corporate polices, and are integral to our day-to-day internal operations.

Senior Vice President


2023 was a momentous year for SCS. After nearly 40 years at the helm of SCS, founder and CEO Stanley Paul Rhodes passed away.

For Stan, protecting people and safeguarding the environment was always a personal passion and calling. He was a true pioneer in the field of sustainability, long before sustainability became a global industry imperative.

Working tirelessly over his career to advance environmental and social responsibility in both the private and public spheres, Stan took a scientific, no-nonsense approach. An accomplished Ph.D. organic chemist, Stan spearheaded numerous advancements to improve human health and safeguard the environment, including efforts to identify and mitigate hazards in industrial processes, innovations in the use of mass spectrometry to detect pesticide residues, and improved methodologies for conducting life cycle impact assessment, environmental disclosure, ecolabeling, and certification.  Over the past decade, he led the development of new climate accounting protocols built on the foundation of the latest IPCC climate science. 

His greatest legacy is SCS, founded in 1984. Over the past four decades, Stan built SCS into one of the world’s most prestigious third-party certification and standards development bodies, operating more than 120 programs. Through these efforts, he helped industry after industry demonstrate the enduring value of sustainability leadership and the triple bottom line. Stan was an inspiration to his staff, clients, and partners.

Stan would be pleased to know that SCS continues to thrive and grow in his absence.  2023 was our most successful year ever, and we remain fully committed to providing top-tier services to our clients. We grew from three to five divisions in 2023, with our new Climate and EBC (Energy, Biofuels and Circularity) divisions complementing our Natural Resources, Environmental Certification Services, and Food and Agriculture teams.

So far, 2024 is shaping up to be another banner year.  Our exceptional management team and program administrators are well positioned to work with partners and clients to continue addressing the pressing issues of our day, with a shared vision of ensuring a safer, more sustainable future for this and future generations.  We look forward to continuing to play a leadership role on several sustainability fronts – in climate accounting through our recently launched Global Heat Reduction Initiative, standards development, third-party certification, regulatory compliance, and innovation.


SCS’ senior management is fully committed to carrying out the benefit mission of the organization – to promote sustainable decision-making, policies and practices that safeguard our environment, climate, and health, support workers and communities, and raise the standard of living for all.

Our Team



We are proud to work with clients around the world, providing auditing, verification, certification, training, and consulting services in the natural resources, built environment, consumer products, food and agriculture, retail, and climate sectors. A summary of our current services can be found by checking out the services menu on our website.


New Services Added

  • SCS becomes an authorized certification body under the ProTerra certification program.

  • SCS publishes new Recycled Content Certification Annex for Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
  • SCS begins certification to new version of Sustainably Grown® Standard.
  • SCS begins certification to new version of Certification Standard for Zero Waste Facilities.


The SCS Board of Directors currently consists of eight individuals dedicated to the company’s mission and intimately knowledgeable about the company’s operations.


Statement from the Board

Consistent with our charter in the State of California as a Benefit Corporation, we confirm that: 1) SCS Global Services’ corporate purpose is to create a materially positive impact on society and the environment; 2) SCS Global Services includes consideration of non-financial interests within the scope of our fiduciary duty when making decisions; and 3) SCS Global Services publishes this Annual Benefit Corporation Statement summarizing its performance with respect to this charter.

Pursuant to Sections 14621 and 14630 of the California Corporations Code, the Board of Directors hereby affirms that, during the year 2023, the corporation successfully fulfilled its general purposes, functions and responsibilities as a California Benefit Corporation, as well as its specific purpose of providing third-party certification, auditing, testing and training services that recognize and reinforce client efforts to protect the environment, advance social responsibility, and enhance quality and safety.
